When can I go on a campervan holiday in the UK?

The rules are slightly different across the UK regions with each country setting out their own timelines & rules for re-opening but in summary most of the UK destinations suitable for campervans should be confirmed by mid-May. Details by country are below:

England: If your accommodation has completely self-contained facilities then you may be permitted to travel and stay overnight from the 12th April however this will be reviewed ongoing based on the COVID-19 situation at that time. This is limited to individuals or individual household groups.

Any accommodation with shared facilities such as most campsites, tourist venues and leisure facilities, will not be permitted to open until 17th May.

The latest information for rules in England, at the time of writing, is here.

Wales: Wales is already allowing holiday makers from within wales to travel and stay as accommodation with self-contained facilities however non-Welsh residents (which includes anyone wishing to travel from England) are currently not allowed to travel in to into Wales for holidays. As with England the next steps for further reopening are anticipated mid-May.

The latest information for rules in Wales, at the time of writing, can be found here.

Scotland: Scotland is planning to ease restrictions for tourism as of the 26th April which at the time of writing this includes hotels and self-catering accommodation but it is yet to clarify on locations that have communal areas or shared facilities (which includes shower/toilet blocks on campsites).

As with England & Wales, the approach in Scotland will be similar in the initial opening of self-contained accommodation followed by a further announcement in mid-May. Please note these rules also apply to wild camping in Scotland. Further guidance for which van be viewed here.

The latest advice for restrictions in Scotland, at time of writing, is available here.